Monday, December 20, 2004

Back-ups and braincells

Having just been reading horror stories about losing files because of the failure to keep proper back-ups, I have been doing just that. I have to hang my head because it was just over 12 moths ago when I took my last back-up, something I find hard to believe. It is an unfortunate fact of life that time passes so much more quickly as the years go by; it was a long time ago that I thought policemen were looking younger, indeed now they even look young to my children! Anyway, my data is once more secure, and I shall make a determined effort to keep upto date with it. It's not even as if it actually took very long to complete. Certainly a lot less than it would take to try to recreate the files, even if I could. There are certainly a lot of photographs that I would hate to lose and which for the most part could never be replaced.

Whilst out today, I found myself wondering about the other people that I came into contact with. Do you ever wonder just who they all are? Do they even really exist, or are they all in our imagination or the occupants of some other dimension. Maybe they (or some of them)are ghosts, here to see what we are up to. These sort of thoughts lead on to the inevitable "where are we?" and what is beyond the world we live in. It's all too much for the brain at this time of the year and should be left to the longer days with more light to replenish the grey matter. Thinking about it though, mine are probably beyond replenishing, simply delaying the depletion process would be about the best that could be hoped for.


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