Thursday, November 25, 2004


As mentioned in an earlier post, I have now joined the ranks of the retired, albeit a little earlier than some. I now find that I am more often involved in the various shopping expeditions undertaken by the household and find it difficult to believe just how many people there are out there scurrying around the shops. Don't these people have any jobs to go to?

Supermarkets seem to be the meeting place for the massed ranks of the retired, and whilst I have to count myself amongst them now, I like to think that I am not quite like them. Yet. Supermarket aisles are just not wide enough for three trolleys abreast and a zimmer frame or two, whilst an animated discussion takes place on the virtues of 2 for the price of 1 over Super Buy 12 for the price of 9. I have to agree though, that a degree in economics or a calculator or both would be a great help in some of the shopping decisions required today.

And why is it that the checkout that I choose always has someone in front who has bought items without a barcode which requires Mary or Jane to be called to go and find one. And why is it that even if the price is known, nothing, but nothing can happen if the bar code doesn't be recognised by the computer. The joys of the modern world!


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